Contact Improvisation & Related Practices Pedagogy Course

Photos by Rafal Nowak
In 40 hours over four days we will investigate pedagogical principles, considerations on the nature of study in Contact Improvisation and related movement practices, teaching practicum, and guided discussion around essential topics to support a teaching and facilitation practice.
Course Details
May 15-18, 2025
Agoura Hills, California
(accommodation provided for traveling participants)
Daily 10am - 8pm
with spacious meal breaks
Morning: Praxis & Theory
Afternoon: Practicum & Response
Evening: Discussion
$675 - $975
sliding scale
(scholarships available)
Limited to 8-10 participants
Praxis & Pedagogy
The crux of the course is to investigate a seven-part viewpoint of pedagogy for movement practice that I call 'telescoping lenses.' These lenses have developed over 18 years teaching movement pedagogy for graduate arts programs. We will focus them on the work of Contact Improvisation and related movement practices. As CI is presented as open source, our concentration will be placed explicitly on teaching practice with space for each participant to utilize their own research and interest through hands-on praxis work to apply methodology.
Telescoping Lenses
The theory of telescoping lenses is to organize several complex and simultaneous experiences into a collapsable/expandable framework. I attempt this by "seeing far" and then sequentially "moving closer" as we consider the action of teaching. The seven lenses include: principles, progress, material, technique, language/delivery, osmosis, and ensemble. The first six lenses properly "telescope," while ensemble, in my view, is present throughout. We will approach these concepts in theory, practice, observation, and reflection, as we test their capacity to support a teaching practice.
Course Facilitator
Ezra LeBank is Professor, Head of Movement, and Chair of the Department of Theatre Arts at California State University Long Beach. He has taught movement pedagogy for graduate programs at CSULB and The University of Montana for the past 18 years, and has facilitated pedagogy courses for movement teachers across Europe, Canada, and the United States. Read more about Ezra here.
Cultivate Community
The purpose of this course is to establish space for investigation and collaborative support in service of Contact Improvisation community(ies). This includes material attending to work in teaching, facilitation, and organization for a diverse range of ages and abilities. Through practice, reflection, and conversation we will approach a range of topics including pedagogical principles, jam facilitation, event organizing, teaching and behavioral ethics, inclusion and access, and building a teaching practice.
Daily Schedule
The pedagogy course will be hosted on a beautiful estate in Agoura Hills, California. Mornings will begin at 10am with CI classes designed to demonstrate applications of teaching theory with time for questions after; in the afternoon we will focus on student teaching and critical response; fireside discussions in the evening will wrap by 8pm. This immersive format will support eight-ten participants in a hands-on investigation of CI & movement pedagogy. The residential course location is ideal with gorgeous landscapes during breaks for relaxation, study, and conversation.
For Applicants
This course is designed for those who currently teach or are interested in developing a teaching or facilitation practice. The format of the course is compressed into an intensive environment to be accessible for both local and traveling participants. This edition will be a residential training inclusive of lodging. Please note that this is not a teacher training certification course. As Contact Improvisation is an open source practice, there is no certification. This course may be eligible as continuing education for a variety of movement teacher and trainers.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that we are on the land of the Tongva/Gabrieleño and the Acjachemen/Juaneño Nations who have lived and continue to live here. We recognize the Tongva and Acjachemen Nations and their spiritual connection as the first stewards and the traditional caretakers of this land. We thank them for their strength, perseverance and resistance.